2 Kings 4:2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”
Well, yet another amazing Thanksgiving in the books. I spent time with family, played the longest round of UNO known to man, and the best part of it all, ate all the food my heart desired. Backstory, I started a health journey earlier this year where I read labels, eat more fruits and veggies and try, my best, to eat less unnatural ingredients and spend more time cooking (but if we see each other in the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A, pretend you didn’t). But this Thanksgiving, I have to admit, I didn’t read one label and I ate what my heart desired.
Next to the laughter and being surrounded with love, the food has to be one of my favorite parts of the holiday. Some may disagree but I actually enjoy leftovers. My family eats Thanksgiving leftovers for breakfast and dinner the next day. We may try to refurbish the regular - degular slice of Turkey for a Turkey sandwich, or finally eat the food that we were too stuffed to try the day before. We make the most of what’s left and are sure to not let any of it go to waste.
I realized that maybe that’s what I should be doing with my own life. There are times when I feel refreshed and like everything is falling together. Then there’s times when everything seems to be falling apart, and I’m left with what feels like scraps of what was. It’s just me and what’s left of my dream, what’s left of my energy, what’s left of my faith, and what’s left of the fight I still have in me, if any.
I’m learning to let God use it all. I’m discovering that He uses my leftovers and recreates something beautiful. I may feel like there’s nothing good about what’s left of me, but God reminds me that I’m His and He’s choosing me anyway. He takes that little bit of faith, and shows me He’s still God. He takes the little bit I have to show up for the day, and encourages me that He’s here with me through it all.
In this season, I’m laying all that’s left of me at the throne of God. Trusting that He will not let any of it go to waste and He is developing my character to carry out His purpose for my life. I will also use the things that feel like little to me and be obedient to where God has me. While God is cheffing up a new creation, I’ll work with my little to fight another day, to increase my hope, or to love on those around me.
I’m excited to see the beautiful creation He will make of what once looked like scraps.
God thank You for using the little that I do have. Thank You for breathing life into the girl that felt like she had nothing left to give. Allow me to put my faith in You so everything that feels like little, grows to unfold the beautiful plans You have for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.