Happy New Year!!
2023 has begun and Here. We. Are.
Recently it seems that it has become almost tradition to have a “Word of the Year”. These words, or mission statements, are seen as a way to fix your focus for the coming year and drive your actions.
This year, my close friends and family have words like “new”, "hope" and “grace”. In the years past, my words were, “believe” and “becoming”. This year, I finally decided to not play it safe anymore. I've always been very cautious whenever choosing my word of the year to ensure I wasn't setting myself up for too much of a challenge (it’s almost like asking God for patience and then you find yourself presented with more circumstances that you'd rather not experience, but actually require you to be patient – eek!), until now.
For 2023, I chose “Commitment”. It sounds so daunting, I know! But after doing some reflecting, I decided this had to be my focus for the year. I want to commit to the process and season I’m in. Commit to learning all the good habits and to doing the things I’m supposed to do, that may not necessarily feel good. Last year, I would find myself starting a good thing, like writing a new blog post, or doing cardio, then talk myself out of doing it consistently, whether due to insecurities, past failures, or, if I’m being honest, laziness.
It’s been heavy on my mind to stop consulting my feelings when it comes to things that I know need to be done. This doesn’t mean I will ignore my feelings all together, or not seek counsel, or rest, when needed, it just means not allowing the way I feel to prevent me from submitting to God and completing the actions needed to create a life I desire.
How many opportunities have we missed because our feelings talked us out of it? How many times have we missed out on a beautiful experience because we thought we had more time? Commitment for me is choosing to do the right thing even though there's an option to do something more comforting at the time. It stems from being grateful for another chance to get it right and my understanding that there may not be another.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Matthew 9:37-38
This scripture reminds me that there is a wonderful harvest God wants us to receive and that there are things that He desires to be completed through each one of us, but it won’t come by being stagnant or not committed to the work. It will come by being faithful and saying “yes” to the process, continually.
My word of the year is a reminder to say “yes” to doing the right thing, even when the voice of doubt, temptation, fear, or laziness kicks in, because there’s something so valuable on the other side of obedience.
I hope each one of us commits to whatever our version of better is this year!
Do you have your own word for this year?
Of course, girl!
Not yet!