Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
It’s the perfect time to laugh and tell stories, so here I am with my very own...
A few weeks ago, I injured my foot in the gym. (For those of us working on second-hand embarrassment, thank goodness no one was there to witness.) I expected the pain to go away rapidly but it started to intensify. I took my shoe off to see why it was still hurting and, behold, blood was coming through my sock. I limped back to my car and drove back to my apartment. I contemplated how I was going to get up the stairs to make it home. While sitting in my car, I did what they tell you not to do… I googled the injury. Because I couldn’t see behind my nail polish to determine where the blood was coming from, I searched for different ways to clean a wound behind the nail. After reading through different articles, I thought I should hurry and disinfect it, before I was left without a toe. I made it up the stairs. The bleeding continued on, even after I washed the wound and, unfortunately, I didn’t have any bandages at home. I knew I needed to go to the store, but my mind started to wander into how lonely I felt at that moment. I didn’t have anyone to help me back down the stairs, or run to the store for me, to save me from the embarrassment (and pain) from limping. I realized it was a small thing and that there are much bigger issues in the world but that didn’t take away from the sadness I felt in being lonely. After some time, I got myself together and wrapped a paper towel and hair-tie around my toe and began on my journey to the store for bandages.
As I locked the door to my apartment, I heard someone coming up the stairs. I tried hobbling a little faster towards the elevator to avoid being seen. I obviously wasn’t fast enough and the neighbor stopped me and asked what was wrong. I re-explained the injury and before you know it, this stranger gave me an entire box of bandages from their home.
This seemed so small to her but, for me, this was more evidence that God provides and still shows up in the small things I thought He was too big to care about. This act of a stranger redirected my thoughts and allowed me to feel less lonely. I experienced love.
This Christmas season, I hope that we all have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of God. I hope we are intentional about spreading love and seeing people. That “small” act of kindness from a stranger reminded me of the character of God and how amazing it would be, if we all showed up like that for others. Like I always say, don’t miss the small moments looking for the big. Maybe it doesn’t mean giving every person you encounter 100 dollars this season, but doing what you can with what you have. A smile, a compliment, a hug, or a thoughtful note can all go a long way.
Although many people, including myself, get caught up in the gifts of Christmas, and the stress of not being able to truly afford what your loved one wants, I hope this year we’re all reminded of the greatest gift we could ever give, or receive...LOVE. So let's take time to soak in all the “good feels” of this season and share the gift of love to those around us.
Merry Christmas to all!
John 3:16 NIV "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."