2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
When I was younger, I did not enjoy people who always wanted to snap pictures or record videos. I would lecture them on how it was taking away from the special moment and how the creation of mobile devices destroyed human connection (dramatic - I know). I thought, "Shouldn’t we just live in the moment instead of interrupting the experience with cameras and videos?".
Now as I've grown, I have a different opinion. Taking the time to go through old pictures allows me to be reminded of all those special, small moments that I may have forgotten about or, the really big experiences that I never want to forget. It's an opportunity to reflect on how I felt in that specific period of time. I now say, record as many videos as you can with the people you love and take as many pictures as your heart desires to keep those precious memories alive. This is a small example of change, but it’s a reminder to make room for it.
I've had my fair share of old beliefs that the new version of myself cringes at - from thinking my worth was defined by a guy's attention to believing that eating an excess of rice and cabbage would make my butt grow (You don't want to know the amount of rice I ate in high school because of this). I am deciding to no longer be limited by past moments or identities that no longer serve me, but thank God I have the opportunity to evolve into my favorite self. I am making space to grow and change my beliefs as I extend grace to my past and love to this present version of me.
Proverbs 23:7 NKJV: For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
We have all the permission we need to release the labels we put on ourselves that may be holding us back, and redefine who we are as God's daughters moving gracefully into this new identity.
What are some old beliefs you want to focus on letting go of this week that may be limiting you and holding you back from the woman you were created to be?