Psalm 103:2 "Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me."
Okay, y’all. I have to ask again. Is this still a safe space? I have another confession…I think I’ve been listening to too many episodes of the “Dear Future Wifey” Podcast, but I somehow got the idea to start writing letters to my future husband. Are you judging??? Either way, I planned on writing about my appreciation for him, the current experiences that he’s obviously missing out on, and the excitement for the moments we’d get to share together. I was going to seal each note and save them in a box until we were married - CRINGE! I know, but it's also cute…right??
Anyways, as I was picking up one of my notebooks to start writing, I was stopped by a thought. It was basically questioning if I also valued and spent this much intentional, dedicated time on my relationship with Jesus. Was I just as, if not more, excited about, and appreciative of that relationship as the one with my future hubs?
I’ve been in a place before where I’d be so caught up in the man that I was with, that I spent zero time talking to God and delving deeper into my relationship with Him. This is not to say I would never write letters to my future husband (because I still plan to) it’s just another reminder that it’s necessary to value and intentionally develop my relationship with the One whose love for me is unconditional and more than I can comprehend.
So I came up with another idea…
I bought a jar and some colorful paper. On different sections of the paper, I wrote down times I felt seen and loved by God, times He showed up for me, and times He did miracles in my life. I put these notes into the jar and check them out whenever I’m starting to feel weighed down by life, and add more to it as new experiences happen. This strengthens my relationship with God by keeping my heart expectant to how He might show up next and helps me to focus on His faithfulness, more than my present circumstances. We could all benefit from some encouragement and reminders to stay in the fight another day.
Try it out! Whenever you feel yourself losing out on hope or, needing a little extra love, crack open the jar. As new miracles and encounters happen, keep adding more stories to it. It’s often easy to share about our misfortunes and to get overwhelmed by the stressors of life but don’t forget to share and reflect on the good news too. Your testimony and the faithful love of God matters.