It is officially my favorite time of year y’all! The holidays are here! The warm lights, the cold air, the joyful music, the smell of holiday candles, the sweet hot chocolate and ALL the other good things that have made their way back into my heart (and home) once again. In between all things Christmas, we pause to celebrate another holiday where most of us eat more than we should’ve and reflect on all that we are to be thankful for.
Just like Thanksgiving positively interrupts all of our Christmas celebrations and countdowns, I’ve learned that my thankfulness does a great job at interrupting negative thoughts. I noticed that I could be having an AMAZING time and one little, defeating thought can grow and make me want to crawl back in bed for the rest of the day. Interrupting these negative ideas with thankfulness calls my attention to something that’s more deserving and overcome feelings of defeat. Thankfulness allows me to change how I process certain events and open my mind to see the beauty in otherwise ugly situations.
Here’s some examples of Interrupting Thankfulness below:
Negative Thought: “Why do I have to be the one to experience heartbreak?” Interrupting Thought: “God, thank You for saving my life by becoming my Foundation and allowing me to discover Your love for me.”
“I feel so alone.” Interrupting Thought: “God, thank You for always being with me and providing what I need. I know that the right people will come when it’s time!”
“I do not feel like going to work today.” Interrupting Thought: “I am so glad I have a job that provides an income and God I trust that You are using this situation to develop me.”
“These stretch marks make me feel so blah…” Interrupting Thought: “Thank You for my health and this body that has been with me since Day 1. Also, let’s get into this skin! I’m GLOWING today!”
“ I’m not as good as they are.” Interrupting Thought: “I’m enough for my calling and I’m thankful for the woman I’m becoming.”
These small changes really make a profound impact. It may start off as an interrupting thought but I have often found myself saying these statements out loud to make it known to myself that my joy is not optional.
So this week whenever a negative thought tries to ease its way into my mind, I will be intentional about redirecting my attention or finding a reason that the undesirable situation may be working for my good and thank God for His faithfulness.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.