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Writer's pictureKaela S

Identity Crisis?

Are you experiencing a time where you want to figure out your identity?

Like, "what does the Bible have to say about me?" "Am I really meant to do this?"

Recently, I was having my own (mini) identity crisis. I noticed that I was feeling a little down on myself and needed a boost in confidence. I found myself doing a quick Google search and scrolling through different verses like: 

“You are more than an overcomer.” “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” and  “You are the light of the world.”

(And there’s plenty of others that I highly suggest you discover as you journey throughout Scriptures.)

But my mind still had a hard time accepting that’s who I really was.

I eventually realized…if I focus solely on me, and my inadequacy, instead of the ‘all-knowing’ God who created me, I won’t believe those truths, and can’t walk in the new identity I’m discovering God gave me long ago. 

In the Bible, Gideon was called a mighty warrior - as he was literally in the middle of hiding from fear. Gideon identified himself as the weakest and least in his tribe. God declared over him the truth about his identity, but if Gideon focused solely on himself, and not on the God who was calling him, I don’t think he would’ve stepped out and did what God purposed for him to do. 

Gideon heard all of his own thoughts that told him he was weak, and maybe he remembered the experiences that confirmed that his tribe was, in fact, the least of all, and he was literally in the middle of acting in fear at the exact moment God called Him.

As Gideon expressed doubt when God told him to do something brave… 

“The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?"”
‭‭Judges‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

That question made me realize…it wasn't about how powerful or strong Gideon was. It was about God.

While it’s so nice to identify myself in the Word and learn about all the different people.... as I continue to read, I found that most failed at some point, mistakes were made, and many doubted at times. What makes their stories great IS the power and grace of God. What changed their identity, was a better understanding of who God is and the depths of His love. What influenced them to move forward into who God called them to be, was their faith and relationship with God.

I challenge all of us to read through Scriptures and instead of solely looking for your own identity, look for the heart of God.

Notice how He faithfully loves and shows up for His people (even after countless mishaps). Look at how He notices those who are overlooked. Catch the times where He chose the “least likely” to do the miracles we read about today. And then praise God that He doesn’t change. That same God who, faithfully and patiently, loved those people in the Bible, is the same God who faithfully and patiently loves you.

So the next time you’re feeling unsure of who you are or instead of thinking about what you can, or can’t, do… find your identity in God. Think about how powerful He is. How He chose you and is with you. Knowing that if He called you to it, absolutely nothing can stop it.

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