Time and time again throughout the Bible we see God’s faithfulness even after the failure of His children to obey, to make the right decisions, and even after their doubt.
Abraham struggled to see how his wife could have a child in old age. He slept with his wife’s servant and God still fulfilled His promise to Abraham and made a nation out of Abraham’s decision.
Jonah ran away from the call, and God still provided him the opportunity to go back and do what was right.
Jacob stole his brother’s birthright AND blessing. God still called him Israel and blessed his family lineage.
Naomi was bitter after the death of her husband and sons, and admitted to feeling as though God had turned from her. God still blessed her with Ruth.
Peter denied knowing Jesus during the time leading up to Jesus’ death. Jesus came back to Peter and still assigned him a great commission.
People criticized Moses’ leadership and Moses was denied entry into the Promised Land. Many years later, we see Moses talking to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration - dare I say, he made it to the Promised Land anyway?
I could literally bring up so many more stories, and again and again, you’ll see the thread of God’s unfailing love and unrelenting faithfulness to an imperfect people.
Now, here we are in 2024. Maybe you’re unsure if things will get better and not sure why God called you for this time. Maybe you made a mistake that derailed your life. You may be losing hope on something you’ve been begging God to change for a while now. Your life may be so bitter that you’re struggling to believe God sees you, or cares.
I hope these stories encourage your weary heart. The storm doesn’t last forever. You may be tired of hearing that too, but I just had an epiphany of God’s track record. That same God who blessed and redeemed the lives of Paul (even after he was killing Christians), David (even though he was the “least” in his family), and Joseph (even after years of being wrongfully imprisoned), is the same God we serve today.
Even now, through the pain and doubt, through what may feel like unrelenting despair, we can remain hopeful that Jesus will come through and redeem our story. Things do get better. God hears and His faithful love for you is always near and won’t fail. Hang on girlfriend. Lean in and watch God’s hand in your life.