Bringing God the truth of where you actually are.
Read Luke 7:20 (NLT)
20 John’s two disciples found Jesus and said to him, “John the Baptist sent us to ask, ‘Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?’”
Question - Have you been honest with God lately? I'm talking about the deep, hard, honest truth that may make you emotional if you think about it too long.
Many times I found myself “faking the funk”. I would pray, routinely go to church, and sing along to all the worship songs, but didn't quite feel connected to God.
Maybe you’ve been there too. The battles we face and pressures of life may have you feeling worn out and questioning how strong your faith is. I’m writing this in hopes that you share exactly where you are with Jesus, just like John did.
At this time, John was in prison. John the Baptist. The one who baptized hundreds of people, including Jesus, and made everyone aware that Jesus was coming, but even he had a moment of doubt and questioning when things weren't looking like he had expected.
Let's keep reading to see how Jesus responded..
Luke 7:22-28 (NLT)
22 Then he told John’s disciples, “Go back to John and tell him what you have seen and heard—the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” 23 And he added, “God blesses those who do not fall away because of me.”
24 After John’s disciples left, Jesus began talking about [John] to the crowds. “What kind of man did you go into the wilderness to see? Was he a weak reed, swayed by every breath of wind? 25 Or were you expecting to see a man dressed in expensive clothes? No, people who wear beautiful clothes and live in luxury are found in palaces.
26 Were you looking for a prophet? Yes, and he is more than a prophet. 27 John is the man to whom the Scriptures refer when they say, ‘Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way before you.’ 28 I tell you, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of God is greater than he is!”
What I love most about this story is that Jesus not only confirmed that He was in fact the Messiah, but He also confirmed who John was. John’s doubts didn’t offend Jesus or make Him angry, but gave Jesus the opportunity to remind John of the truth and displayed how God sees John.
So, in our lives, remember to bring Jesus all of you - the truth, the questions, the pain, your fears and disappointment. Let’s not hide where we are from God. There's no need to act like we have it all together. Understand that God wants to know all of what’s on your heart, and what better thing than to be fully known and fully loved by God.