Choose from any of the prompts below then grab your favorite journal and start writing! Maybe you want to address each prompt all in one day, or maybe you want to spread it out over the course of a week (or two), do what works for your schedule. Remember to have fun in your writing (it's not a homework assignment), it's just a way to pause and spend some time with you.
New Prompts will be added bi-weekly.
Write about a Bible scripture you read recently that stood out to you. Why did it grab your attention? Is it possible to apply to your life? What questions would you like to ask about the text?
Maybe you have a daily reading habit, or maybe you have a Verse of the Day that pops up on your screen from the Bible App. Reflect on it and jot down your thoughts.
A dream. Have you had any vivid, memorable dreams recently? Write it down.
Describe all that you remember and what you think it means or questions you may have about it.
A thankfulness entry. Take time to sit and think about what you are thankful for.
Write this entry of thankfulness to God (i.e. Thank You for.....).
Dig deep. If this is a challenge, try searching for at least 3 things.
How are you feeling today? What thoughts interrupted you today? Which ones did you enjoy and which ones did you want to ignore?
Put your phone away and try to find a place of quietness, alone, if possible. Reflect on the day and the thoughts you want to address, or release, on the pages of your journal.
Write a letter to Jesus. Talk about anything! Your day, your thoughts, questions, and anything else that comes to mind.
When I attended a small group at my local church, we often ended in prayer. When someone would get called on to pray, some would get nervous or feel like the words they used in their prayer weren't good enough, but talking to God about what's on your heart and trying to put into words how you feel is always enough to Him. It's not about what it sounds like. God knows you and how you talk. Be real and say what's on your heart.